Thursday, March 26, 2015

15 years

15 Years ago today I married Triple S. 

Actually we didn't get married for another 15 days but that's a story for another day.

Today is the day I wore the dress and we said romantic stuff while everyone watched so we will count it as our anniversary.

It was wonderful but that isn't what I wanted to talk about today. Today I wanted to talk about what I thought I wanted and what I got.

I remember counting the days till our first anniversary because then we would just be regular married people. Regular. Normal. Married. People. Not newlyweds.

That was what I wanted.

More than anything I wanted my regular life to start.

On our first anniversary Triple S and I went to a lovely French restaurant. We ate escargot and dined by candlelight. It was romantic and wonderful. Then we went home and ate frozen, year old, cake.

Is that still a thing? It really shouldn't be. that cake was GROSS! But we had a few bites. Enough to ensure tradition was followed before throwing it away.

I remember thinking regular life was going to start now. My normal life.

I'm not sure what I thought that meant. Maybe eating breakfast together while solving a crossword puzzle? Maybe going on road trips to see the world's biggest ball of twine?

Clearly I had no frame of reference. That was why I wanted it so badly.

It's been 15 years. A few moves, a bunch of job changes, some adorable kids and too many ridiculous things to list. Nothing has been 'normal' or 'regular' and that has been the best part.

What Scott (Triple S) has taught me is that it really doesn't matter what you are doing and where you are but who you are with.

I'll gladly spend the next 15 years with him. Probably more than that if I'm lucky.

So thanks for the life lesson and everything else. <3<3<3 Happy Anniversary husband of mine!

Thursday, March 19, 2015

WTF Amazon!

Obviously Amazon is awesome. Especially if you have a prime account. The free movies and music are whatever. I have netflix I don't need your pity Amazon! But 2 day shipping?

Hell yeah!

Do I need this book/sneaker/sticker/coffee/charger/whatever thing? Maybe but it can be here in two days so ...... Yes please send it to me.

Back on point.

Did you guys know I LOVE obnoxious t shirts? Nerdy or weird or full of ridiculous fandom love.
I love them. I wear them to work and to the gym.

Most people who see me on a regular basis have noticed this about me.

It isn't unusual for someone to send me something like this on FB.
They come in the form of texts too.

 Usually Triple S is mentioned in the hopes that he will get creative and everyone will get cool new t shirts.

It's happened before.
These were all made by the amazing Triple S
This one is for our fantastic Alma mater!

OMG I am so far off topic. Not that this is shocking to you. Certainly this is something that is a regular problem.

Any who....... Origin story over!

I was on Amazon, amusing myself by looking at t shirts, and I decided to see if there was anything Krav Maga related.

WTF Amazon! Every thing, all the time, isn't about men. You sexist pig. I hate you!

Phew. Deep breaths. It isn't fair for me to judge Amazon like that. Let me change my search parameters.

Much better. Look at those pants. So cool.... Wait one minute. Did you just suggest I search for "women krav maga" in "men's boxing clothing"?

You're a misogynistic a-hole!

I'm never ordering anything again. I'm going to cancel my subscription. So not cool. It's time to take a stand. Just like Patricia Arquette did. Yeah! Girl Power!

Ohhhhh. How much is a box of Cadbury eggs? 

I was totally kidding about that stuff above. I'm just going to write an angry twitter post and get a hashtag started. #sexistamazon!

Lets do this ladies.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

I Need a Child Psychologist. STAT!

No not because I act like a crazy child.

You guys are not very supportive. Seriously I try and blog and all I get is grief.

Just kidding. You guys are the best.

So It's year three of my adventure as a preschool teacher. Once again I have lucked out in the student department. I have kids that are sweet and listen (well, listen as well as anyone can expect a group of four years olds). They try new snacks without complaining and know how to make one hell of a collage with glitter and pipe cleaners. Seriously Picasso would be jealous.

Basically they are tiny awesome humans.

EXCEPT for one thing,

When they all sit down I ask them a question in the negative form or the affirmative.


Raise your hand if you DON'T like grapes.


Raise your hands if you Do like grapes.

Either way they all raise their hands. Not because they all do or don't like grapes but because they are insane. Or at least that is my conclusion but I'm not a child Psychologist. Hence the title of today's blog.

Do they not get the concept of a the need for only some of them to answer?

You know what? I'm going to let it slide. Trying to figure out how the mind of a 4 year old works seems a bit futile plus they are raising their hands and not calling out. I'm counting that as a win.

Yeah me!

Mother's Day

 Not that I'm not a preschool teacher anymore I want to talk about one of the few things about that job that made me sad. Mother's d...