That isn't the point though. It didn't seem that hard. I'm sure to actual English people we sounded like idiots but hey, we were young, and stupid and we probably were idiots.
I bring up this trip down memory lane because I just watched an Arnold Schwarzenegger movie.
He's doing that again. Making movies. Since we didn't change the rules and he can't run for President he's back to "acting". Yeah there are quotes around that word because although I will watch True Lies every time it is on he is not winning an Oscar for his nuanced roles anytime soon.
Back on topic though. So the movie I watched was Sabotage.
Besides Arnold's awful hair. It's a pretty good 2 hours of people never running out of ammo and surviving ridiculous amounts of bodily trauma.
The part I find funny though is that because in the movie Arnold is a DEA agent we need to explain why he has an Austrian accent. I couldn't help but remember all the other movies with him that I had watched where they had to do the same thing.
Sidebar: As I type this The Presidio with Sean Connery comes to mind and how even though he was a Lt Colonel in the Army he had a Scottish accent. No one complained though because he beat a guy up with his left thumb. Right one's too strong for you.
Arnold isn't playing King Lear so who cares?
No one, but right now there are so many actors on American TV speaking with American accents that are not American!
This is a movie list but you get my point.
Is he lazy? Does he just not care?
Maybe it's because if you lost the accent he wouldn't be Arnold anymore and there would be no more ridiculous Internet insanity like this.
I should not have laughed at this as hard as I did. I'm blaming it on my sleepiness.